Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Sarvey's

Today David & I went to a house that saw 4 feet of flooding inside the house, which sat up 3 feet - so there was 7 feet of water all together! They have just returned to the house - the inside was pretty much redone; however, the outside needs some attention! David pulled his tools out and went to work! We scraped, caulked, cleaned up the yard, and got ready to paint (tomorrow). David repaired many boards that were just rotten. We weren't able to repair the porch, which is in such bad shape; but at least we can get the house looking better.
The really cool thing about today was that we were going there to minister to them; but God is so good - - Leonard & his wife ended up ministering to us. He is 80 years old and a pastor in the neighborhood they live in. He spoke so much to us and encouraged us - how neat, he challenged our young people to live for the Lord, spoke of his mistakes that he has made in his own life and just really lifted our tired spirits up! He even got Dustin aside and talked FISHING!! Dusting loved that! Leonard even gave Dustin a FISHING POLE!! Imagine the smile on that kids face - he's still smiling!!! Our plans are tomorrow to go back and paint his house. Pray for us that the sun won't be too hot and that we can finish this project and continue to give hope to this community!
Love to all back home!
David & Peggy Sarvey


  1. That is SO cool! Leonard and his wife sound like wonderful people, and obviously very content in what the Lord has allowed in their lives. And how awesome that you met him on Wednesday, when the hardest part of the week is coming quickly! I'm sure when you go back tomorrow, the Lord will use them to refresh your spirits even more! Thanks for your love and ministry, Mr. and Mrs. Sarvey!

    Nicole B.

  2. David and Peggy,

    You both are a great blessing. I am so glad you both got to go on the trip. Thanks for the updates. We had a great time last night at the Concert of Prayer. The choir took part and there were many special music numbers. The prayers that were offered up were so refreshing! As we looked back at what God has done and what He currently is doing, one can't help but be excited about what He has for us in the future! Thank you for your leadership both in word and deed! Enjoy the Journey!

