Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sara Cumberland

Well, we are beginning our 2nd day of helping others rebuild & repair their homes from the Hurricane...WOW!!!!!!!!!!! I never knew you could be so tired...but it's a really good kind of tired!
The whole week (so far) has been really good. For the most part, the flight and getting everyone through the airport went really well. On Sunday, we all went to Sunday School and the morning Service at the church that we are staying at. It was pretty different than we were used to, but it was great to try something new and to see how much the congregation appreciates groups like ours that come to serve God. Yesterday was our 1st day of work. The work group that I was in went to this elder ladie's home prepared to rebuild a fence and paint some things. When we got there, Pastor Jeff and a man from University Baptist Church figured out that we didn't have the supplies or the skills to build the fence for her. We were supposed to paint her porch, but the wood was rotting out in places that we couldn't replace it...so....she asked us to clean out her garage for her. It was an amazing thing. The water from the hurricane flooded her garage and house to about 4-4 1/2 feet up. Through the past 9 months, she has just been piling all of her things that were ruined by the water. It was a really sad thing, but in a way, I was kind of awestruck by the power of God for Him to be able to make such a powerful storm & yet, give all of these people who have lost a huge chuck of their lives the strength and hope to rebuild their lives.
Last night, as we were having out team meeting/devotions, I was reminded of how awesome God is through something as little as a hidden blessing. I have been sick with a sore throat and losing my voice the whole trip so far. I cannot talk normal (and sound a little froggie) and the most frustrating thing is, I cannot even attempt to sing....NOTHING comes out of my mouth, so I have been forced to sit back and listen to the others lift their voices. I have been wondering lately, just how many kids in our youth group has a true love and worship for God. Sitting back and just listening to them all sing last night showed me that all of these kids here with me really do want to be here to worship and serve God with all that they are. I kept thinking that we are truly in the "Heart of Worship" together. I really needed that reassurance and because of it, I thank God that I lost my voice the past couple of days
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! It means more to me (and I'm sure the others) than you could ever know!s


  1. Praying for you.

    The Rosens

  2. We miss you all and are glad the Lord is using you in awesome ways!
    Shannon Thomas

  3. Hi our Sara!
    So good to hear about what is happening there! We feel bad you still are sick but we know God knows all about it.
    How thankfull we need to be for all the blessings God has given us. Will continue praying for you all as you work. We are glad God is teaching you as He uses you for His glory!
    We love you and miss you all!!
    Papa & Mema

  4. Awesome post, Sara, and what an encouragement! So glad you are seeing the blessings God has given and continues to give, despite you inability to praise Him with your voice. :) I know you're enjoying the opportunities He has given you guys to serve, and I'm praying that you guys get even more opportunites to minister to each other, the pastors, and the people you meet!


  5. Hi Sara! Hope you get feeling better and hope the weather gets cooler! Tell everyone hello. Love, Deb from Bellefonte, PA

  6. Sara,
    Pastor Todd had a bit of your blog shared with the congregation tonight and it blessed my heart! How awesome that God is ministering to you as you minister to others. (He always does that!) I think of how His word says that as much as we help another we are actually helping God Himself. What an honor and privilage that you can minister to God Himself and yet help others along the way! I pray for God to sustain you and heal you and to show you His face daily! The service tonight was to bring all of you before His throne and we too were blessed by all of you just through the bits that were shared. Know that you are touching hearts and lives and most of all bringing glory to God! Keep on keepin' on!
    Your sister in Christ,
    Patricia Miller

  7. Sara,

    Thank you for sharing your day with us. I know God has great things in store for your life of service for Him! Enjoy this journey!

