Monday, June 15, 2009


I worked today! we put base boards in tons of rooms and did some tiling and stuff. *hope i spelled that right* anyways... I have blisters on my hands! :) Hannah snores.. and (NO I DONT!!!!!!!!! AH!) and drools (okay .. that IS true..) and she's a neat freak but she keeps me company so i can't complain. I love Texas! even though it's really hot.  

so we were sitting in church this morning waiting for the pastor to assign us our jobs and this other group came in. the pastor was teasing this one kid about being the only one in the group for not matching.  then he was like hey whats your name (to the not matching kid) and he was like thompson.  the pastor was like is that your last name? and the kid was like no, its my middle name. then the pastor asked what his first name was. and the kid said alfred. so the pastor was like haha ok well we'll just go with thompson then... well it was a lot funnier earlier. guess you had to be there -Marissa


  1. Hi Hannah! So proud of what you are doing! Let God work thru you! You will make many memories. Will try to look on this often this week to see how you are doing! Love you, Aunt Bonnie

  2. Hi, Hannah!
    You are gonna learn a lot. Somehow I can't picture you all sweaty and dirty, though!

    You'll look good even then!
    I'm having fun playing with my grandson everyday. He's ADORABLE!!

    I'll pray for you.
    Mrs. Smith

  3. Marissa,

    What an awesome opportunity for you! If only they had mission trips for us when I was your age. I can bet there's no greater feeling then helping others. It sounds like you are having good fellowship with the other people you come in contact with. I pray your heart is blessed and that God speaks to you through this. This is a memory you'll cherish forever and wonder why God is thanking you for it when you're the one getting the precious cultivation
    out of it! I'm praying for you and I'm encouraged by you for doing this. This is the golden rule in action!!! Praise Him!!!
    Your sister in Christ,
    Patricia Miller

  4. i'm sweaty, not adorable Mrs. Smith hahahaha. oh gosh

    thanks aunt bon-bon cya tomorrowww! hopefully lol
