Friday, June 19, 2009

The Cumberland's (Friday)

We can't believe it is Friday afternoon!! We have dreamed and prayed and planned this trip for months. Here it is...almost finished! God has once again far exceeded all our hopes and dreams for this team! Our hearts are so full...we don't even know where to begin. This has been one of the most amazing trips yet. This trip was so hard - the heat was oppressive and unbelievable. The team did not do this work on their own strength - it was without a doubt God's strength. It will be a memory of God's provision for these kids to carry with them the rest of their lives!

We have completed many small tasks that include laying ceramic tile; grouting; scrubbing and painting porches, eaves, and all kinds of doors; dragging debris to the street; trimming trees; and the list goes on. But we have prayed that the teens could work on just one project that they could call "their own" as a team and see a transformation. God answered that prayer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bell. They are elderly (Mr. Bell is 80) and couldn't afford to paint the outside of their house. It was in terrible shape and the entire house needed to be scraped before the paint went on. The team has been working in the heat since Wednesday morning to help these people. They were determined to get it done by today and they did it!! God answered our prayers and gave them this job to see to the finish. The house looks so different and the Bell's were absolutely grateful and praising the Lord for His provision in their lives. God used this team to make a difference for them. Here is the "kicker"...Mr. Bell is a black preacher who told us story after story of his life in the years of segregation. He made history come alive for these kids like I have never heard. The best part is...we were looking for opportunities to tell him about the Lord and he was doing the same for us. When God opened the door for us to witness to him...he ended up telling us how to be sure we can be in Heaven for eternity! What a blessing!! At the end of the job today our team stood in a circle holding hands with the Bells and Mr. Bell prayed for them. Jeff and I weren't there, but we are told that it was an amazing moment. We have many pictures of the before and the after! It's our teams "Most Extreme Home Makeover"!!

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement through this blog. The kids have enjoyed writing and always race to see your comments. They know that you are all at home waiting for them and that "you have their backs". That means so much to all of us. Tonight we are going to eat authentic Texas fajitas and then spend some time riding roller coasters and fun stuff at a boardwalk that is close by. Pray for safety as we pack up and travel home tomorrow. We are hoping to have a few more pictures up later, but not sure if we can pull it off. We'll try though. Love to all!! See you soon!!


  1. Sounds like the Lord has used the team in a wonderful way and also blessed you all wonderfully. Seems like that usually happens when you give your time & energy to go on a Missions Trip!! It has been great to read the posts especially for Christe as she loves feeling a part of what her Mom and Dad and so many close friends are doing! Praying for a great last night and a safe trip home! It will be good to see you all. In case you haven't heard..there will be a luncheon for Father's Day..I hear PD is grilling burgers..and an afternoon service instead of an evening service. I imagine it will be good to have some rest time on Sunday night!! Love you all! Donna Azure

  2. Our heats are so full as we hear what God has done thoughout this week. What an amazing way God has used the Bells in all of your lives. This is something that each teen on this trip can tell their children about! How God has lead you all the way!! Have a wonderful trip home. We all will be praying for safety as you travel.
    All our love, Mom & Dad

  3. Praise the Lord for your strength through Him and for this man's testimony toward God through his trials! Mr. Bell has seen and experienced more then most of us ever will since he is in his 80s yet he remains faithful to our Saviour! May we be found faithful. You truly served with family on this trip and I mean the heavenly ones. You may never meet again this side of heaven but you will have yet another familiar soul there when you arrive. God give you safe travels home and sweet rest on Saturday. You have accomplished much through Christ! Praise the Lord. -Patricia Miller

  4. It's such a blessing to read about the team's time with the Bells; seriously, I'm tearing up! I'm so proud of the teens, and I can't wait to hear all that God taught them this week. His strength was made perfect in their weaknesses; we serve an awesome God, and I feel honored to watch the teens serve Him and know Him more!


  5. Woah, that's incredible! How wonderful! Wow! As I read the kid's blogs, I'm amazed by all that God has done in and through you. What a life changing experience to meet a believer who struggled through one of the darkest chapters of our nation's history. Who could ever again be racist after meeting a couple like that.

    Praise the Lord!

    Can't wait to see everyone! We'll be praying for your safety.


  6. Bill and Mary SticklesJune 20, 2009 at 8:26 AM

    Jeff and Susan and everyone:

    It's Saturday morning and we finally got a chance to read everyone's blog. Everything sounds great. You are really getting a lot of work done and certainly are enjoying serving the Lord and others. We pray that you will have a safe trip home. See you Sunday.
