Monday, June 15, 2009


Hi we're going to bed now. We just ate tacos, they were super good. Now we feel sick. It is so hot. We have to make lunch. There is sand in my bed. Marissa's clothes are ALL over the place. Two people we don't know LIVE here. They had tacos with us too. I hope team #2's tacos didn't make them sick lol. but over all we're having so much fun! every night Marissa puts in my ear drops and I put in her eye drops. HAHAHAHAHAHA ok bye! -HANNAH

SHOUTOUT TO MOM!!! you better miss me! -MARISSA

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah! Glad to hear Marissa is helping you w/ your ear drops. It doesn't surprise me you are the neatest person there. Your room is always so clean at home. (Way to go.) Tacos, your most requested food. Glad you are getting them. Are you meeting other people? When do you get to cook? Can't wait to hear about that. :) Glad all is going well.

    Love you,
