Monday, June 15, 2009

allison's blog

hi everybody,
today was the first day of work and it was very hot out but it was really fun though! we went a ferry yesterday and we saw a bunch of dolphins (which of course... I WAS HAPPY ABOUT!!) and then went to the beach and swam in the gulf of mexico! although i got some water in my eyes and mouth it was still fun! i also enjoyed the flying i sat between to complete strangers which made me laugh cause one looked like my uncle neil! miss you guys lots! see you soon! 


  1. Allison,
    We miss you! We hope you are a great help. Jim wants to know if you got any good pictures of the dolphins.
    Love Mom

  2. no, i wanted to but they didnt jump out of the water enough... so i didnt get one but i got lots of pictures of the beach and stuff i have over 60 something pictures and its only like the 2nd day sooo... i will have tons of pictures and stories to tell you when i get home!! oh hey did u see... uncle les, aunt cheri, caitlin and rebecca wrote on here... i didnt even knew they new i was here!! so that made me happy!! see you when i get home!! =]

  3. Allison, Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. The heat down there is different from our heat here in Pittsburgh. Enjoy the ocean.
    We are soooo proud of you, working to make peoples lives better. You go Girl!!!!! Be safe.

    Love Aunt cheri,Uncle Les, Caitlin, and Rebecca

  4. thank you and trust me i will drink plenty of fluids!! i am def. enjoying the ocean! im actually going there again today after work!

  5. Grandpap and Grandma StammJune 17, 2009 at 3:03 PM

    Dear Allison, Hi I'm so glad you are enjoying
    your mission trip, I have been writing to you
    everyday but have not been able to get it sent.
    Jimmy is here helping me, so I hope this time,
    it works. we love you and I hope you are drinking lots of water. Grandpap and I have
    been praying for you and all the others every
    day. please take care.Grandpap and Grandma Stamm.

  6. Hi Allison, We had some flooding up here in Pittsburgh, Cousin Jill house was damaged pretty bad and she lost alot, Aunt Karen's house had about 1ft of water in it. Now the clean-up must begin. Our front street looked like a river, I'll try to have Caitlin send you a picture. There was a funnel cloud spotted over McKee's Rocks and Friday and Saturday we are already in a Risk of dangerous weather according to the National Weather service. We are suppose to have our softball play-off's but I think they will be cancelled due to safety for all. Say some prayer's and I will too. I'll keep you posted!!

    Take care and be Safe.

    Love Aunt Cheri
