Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Sarvey's

Day 2 was HOT. David & JR tiled a small - I mean SMALL- bathroom for a gentleman named Elliott. He has lived in Galveston for 63 years and in this house for 37 years. What a sweet man! I helped where possible in the house. Carey was at another job site scraping a house & power washing it, getting it ready for repair & painting. From what I heard, she joined a quartet of singing Disney songs - wish we could have heard that!
Anyway, God is really teaching me to have a softer heart to those in need and to realize that life is not about things or stuff - it's about people and that I need to be a better sower. We are so grateful to be on this trip! Pastor Jeff & Michelle are such great leaders and we are thrilled to see first hand how they can relate to the kids on such a great level. Praise God for them!
David & Peggy Sarvey

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarvey's,
    God is sooo good. How blessed you are to serve Him as a family! Most family getaways are not done as missions trips and I pray that this will become a tradition in your family tree... It sounds like you're accomplishing much for His glory! Hallelujah!!!! To think of a school being finished with your work must be an encouragement to your hearts and souls. So many lives touched by so few. I think of that song "Thank You" by Ray Boltz and how appropiate that would be for all of you. All of those who helped to pay the way for the team are as much a part of your work as you are and even those that brought each of you before His throne tonight and throughout are hands in the body of Christ at work there. God's ways are so incredible and far reaching. I pray that you have a glimpse of the magnitude of glory being given to God through all of this! Be blessed and well kept.
    For His Glory,
    Patricia Miller
